The COVID-19 pandemic is continuing to cause disruption and devastation to individuals, communities and economies in Australia and around the world.

This page provides information on the activities of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia and its Fellows to help inform, advise and guide the national and international response to the crisis.

Please contact the Academy’s National Office if you would like to speak with one of our experts or to discuss potential opportunities to work together.

COVID-19 Explained

Seriously Social Podcast

Season 1 of the Seriously Social podcast features in-depth interviews with 10 Academy Fellows and other leading social scientists on the many and varied impacts of COVID-19. See our Podcast page or find us on your favourite podcast platform.

Transcripts, articles and explainer videos for each episode are also available.

Social Science Resources & Activities

Academy Fellows and many other social science researchers have been contributing significant time and expertise to the global response to COVID-19. The following covers just a few of these. If you would like your  work included in this list please contact us at

  • Xuemei Bai (ANU) and colleagues from around the world have published an article in Nature showing how some cities have managed to whether the storm of COVID in much better shape than others, and calling for cities to develop coordinated networks and to share information and disaster plans to increase resilience to future pandemics and shocks.
  • Nichole Georgeou (Western Sydney University) and Charles Hawksley (University of Wollongong) recently edited the global report State Responses to COVID-19: a global snapshot at 1 June. The 136 page volume covers 43 country case studies from states and territories in Oceania, Asia, Middle East, Africa, Europe and the Americas assessing the public health, political and economic responses to the pandemic, plus an additional 10 papers on issues such as the plights of irregular migrants in Europe and health workers in the USA. State Responses to COVID-19 is freely available here. 
  • Matt Sanders and his team from the University of Queensland have developed a comprehensive suite of resources to support parents and families during the pandemic, including a podcast, TV series (aired on Network 7) and additional supports through the Positive Parenting Program.
  • Jennie Hudson and her team at Macquarie University have also released new resources for teachers and parents to help support the mental health of Australian children and young people during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Michael Quinlan from UNSW has been working with scholars across the fields of health, economics and labour relations arguing that COVID-19 is an unprecedented humanitarian crisis from which there can be no return to the ‘old normal’. Their paper is available here
  • Deborah LuptonAnthony Elliot and other colleagues contributed to 12 Perspectives on the Pandemic,12 international social science thought leaders reflect on the pandemic”, published as an open access pamphlet by the international publisher De Gruyter.
  • Deborah Lupton also initiated an internationally popular crowdsourced resource on ‘Doing Fieldwork in a Pandemic’. Contributions have now closed, but the resource is available here and Deborah is also hosting a breaking methods webinar series here.
  • Jolanda Jetten and colleagues published an edited book titled ‘Together Apart’ on the Psychology of COVID-19. Their publisher SAGE made the uncorrected proofs of the manuscript available immediately on submission and the document has been downloaded almost 20,000 times ahead of its mid-July publication.
  • Mark Dodgson writes regular pieces for the World Economic Forum.  Two of his COVID-19-related articles are here: the first is about how an entrepreneurial approach can help in the COVID-19 crisis, while the second looks at university entrepreneurship in a post COVID world.

Other Activities & Resources

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website may contain images, voices and names of deceased persons.