Allan Fels

Professorial Fellow, University of Melbourne


Professor Allan Fels was until recently Dean of the Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG), an institution established by the governments of Australia, New Zealand, the states and territories and 16 leading universities that educate and train senior public sector leaders.

He also is Chairman of the Haven Foundation, which seeks to provide accommodation and support for the long-term mentally ill.

Professor Fels was Chairman of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission from 1995 to 2003 and before that Chairman of the Trade Practices Commission and Chairman of the Prices Surveillance Authority.

In the field of mental health Professor Fels serves or has served on a number of government advisory boards. He also is patron of many mental health networks. He was a member of the Bayside Health Board for a number of years. Professor Fels is a long-term advocate of mental health policy reform and a carer for his daughter.

Professor Fels is also a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia.


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